Three Pollutants that Can Affect Your Indoor Air Quality

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You already know how important your indoor air quality is. After all, people spend more time inside than ever these days, so it’s an excellent idea to make sure the air you’re breathing is safe and healthy. You want your indoor air to be free of pollutants, but not everyone knows what those pollutants are. For this reason, we have provided a list of three indoor air pollutants everyone should be aware of.

Three Pollutants that Can Affect Your Indoor Air Quality

  1. Dust- It may be obvious to everyone that dust in a home or office can result in symptoms like sneezing and coughing. However, not everyone thinks of it as an indoor air pollutant, perhaps because it is so common. Even if it may not be as serious as other pollutants, it’s still important to reduce dust as much as you can through regular cleaning or even air purification if necessary.
  2. VOCs- Volatile organic compounds often evaporate into the air from paints, cleaning supplies, pesticides, and more. They cause symptoms like eye, nose, and throat irritation, and they have also been known to cause headaches and nausea. Because they are among some of the more serious pollutants that can affect your indoor air quality, you should get a professional to test your air if you suspect VOCs are a problem in your home or office.
  3. Combustion Pollutants- These pollutants are released into the air when you burn materials inside your home or building. They can also come from gas stoves, water heaters, fireplaces, and dryers.

There are several other pollutants that can affect your indoor air quality. For more information, contact us at Integral Choice Corp.